My wife is quite the crafty type, she has her own Etsy shop and a craft room that rivals a small craft store. With that comes many trips to Michaels and Hobby Lobby. I tend to wander off and amuse myself during these expeditions, resulting in the hashtag #annoyingmywife. One of my favorite recurring themes is #terriblesequels, particularly Christmas-themed horror movies. Enjoy a few of my favorites below, and check out my Tumblr dedicated to the hashtag for more.

The elf driving the Peppermint Transit bus had a few too many cups of Christmas cheer, as he veered into the nativity scene, while the three wise men wouldn’t react in time. Christmas Tragedy 4: Bethlehem Bloodbath in theaters winter 2017
Christmas Town Murder Death Cult 7: Little Christmas Tree Stand of Horror
The carolers had sung their last song… see if they live or die in All I Want For Christmas Is Not To Die, coming to theaters fall 2017
Frosty never saw that Christmas train coming round the bend… But you can see it this winter in Speed 8: Christmas Trainwreck
The giant skull appeared on this hills above Christmas Town, the villagers thought to themselves “what is this?” in the fall blockbuster Nightmare Before Christmas 2: Jack’s Back
Santa Claus is coming to destroy your town in Gigantic Christmas Terror 8: Nicks Revenge
Christmas Town Death Cult 7: Kentucky Fried Murder
Christmas Death Lobster 7: Human Bisque: The Final Om-nom-nomening
The hulking monolith appeared a fortnight ago. No one was sure what it meant, not it’s purpose. Johnson fled for the hills on his ATV. The next morning both were found strewn about the base of the giant; he had been cracked. Revenge of the Nutcracker. In theaters Winter 2015.
Despite watching the Charlton Heston version of Ten Commandments, the villagers still chose to worship the Golden Reindeer. This would be their grave undoing. Ten Commandments 2: Winter 2015
Night of the Living Dead x Rohl Dahl’s The Big Friendly Giant in Gargantuan Zombie Santa From Satan